15  Kriging with Varying Correlation-p

This chapter illustrates the difference between Kriging models with varying p. The difference is illustrated with the help of the spotPython package.

15.1 Example: Spot Surrogate and the 2-dim Sphere Function

import numpy as np
from math import inf
from spotPython.fun.objectivefunctions import analytical
from spotPython.spot import spot
from spotPython.utils.init import fun_control_init, surrogate_control_init

15.1.1 The Objective Function: 2-dim Sphere

  • The spotPython package provides several classes of objective functions.
  • We will use an analytical objective function, i.e., a function that can be described by a (closed) formula: \[f(x, y) = x^2 + y^2\]
  • The size of the lower bound vector determines the problem dimension.
  • Here we will use np.array([-1, -1]), i.e., a two-dim function.
fun = analytical().fun_sphere
fun_control = fun_control_init(PREFIX=PREFIX,
                               lower = np.array([-1, -1]),
                               upper = np.array([1, 1]))
Created spot_tensorboard_path: runs/spot_logs/015_maans14_2024-04-22_00-28-06 for SummaryWriter()
  • Although the default spot surrogate model is an isotropic Kriging model, we will explicitly set the theta parameter to a value of 1 for both dimensions. This is done to illustrate the difference between isotropic and anisotropic Kriging models.
spot_2 = spot.Spot(fun=fun,

spotPython tuning: 1.801603872454505e-05 [#######---] 73.33% 
spotPython tuning: 1.801603872454505e-05 [########--] 80.00% 
spotPython tuning: 1.801603872454505e-05 [#########-] 86.67% 
spotPython tuning: 1.801603872454505e-05 [#########-] 93.33% 
spotPython tuning: 1.801603872454505e-05 [##########] 100.00% Done...

{'CHECKPOINT_PATH': 'runs/saved_models/',
 'DATASET_PATH': 'data/',
 'PREFIX': '015',
 'RESULTS_PATH': 'results/',
 '_L_in': None,
 '_L_out': None,
 '_torchmetric': None,
 'accelerator': 'auto',
 'converters': None,
 'core_model': None,
 'core_model_name': None,
 'counter': 15,
 'data': None,
 'data_dir': './data',
 'data_module': None,
 'data_set': None,
 'data_set_name': None,
 'db_dict_name': None,
 'design': None,
 'device': None,
 'devices': 1,
 'enable_progress_bar': False,
 'eval': None,
 'fun_evals': 15,
 'fun_repeats': 1,
 'horizon': None,
 'infill_criterion': 'y',
 'k_folds': 3,
 'log_graph': False,
 'log_level': 50,
 'loss_function': None,
 'lower': array([-1, -1]),
 'max_surrogate_points': 30,
 'max_time': 1,
 'metric_params': {},
 'metric_river': None,
 'metric_sklearn': None,
 'metric_sklearn_name': None,
 'metric_torch': None,
 'model_dict': {},
 'n_points': 1,
 'n_samples': None,
 'n_total': None,
 'noise': False,
 'num_workers': 0,
 'ocba_delta': 0,
 'oml_grace_period': None,
 'optimizer': None,
 'path': None,
 'prep_model': None,
 'prep_model_name': None,
 'progress_file': None,
 'save_model': False,
 'scenario': None,
 'seed': 123,
 'show_batch_interval': 1000000,
 'show_models': False,
 'show_progress': True,
 'shuffle': None,
 'sigma': 0.0,
 'spot_tensorboard_path': 'runs/spot_logs/015_maans14_2024-04-22_00-28-06',
 'spot_writer': <torch.utils.tensorboard.writer.SummaryWriter object at 0x13fd13c90>,
 'target_column': None,
 'target_type': None,
 'task': None,
 'test': None,
 'test_seed': 1234,
 'test_size': 0.4,
 'tolerance_x': 0,
 'train': None,
 'upper': array([1, 1]),
 'var_name': None,
 'var_type': ['num'],
 'verbosity': 0,
 'weight_coeff': 0.0,
 'weights': 1.0,
 'weights_entry': None}
<spotPython.spot.spot.Spot at 0x3b06c5250>

15.1.2 Results

min y: 1.801603872454505e-05
x0: 0.0019077911677074135
x1: 0.003791618596979743
[['x0', 0.0019077911677074135], ['x1', 0.003791618596979743]]


15.2 Example With Modified p

  • We can use set p to a value other than 2 to obtain a different Kriging model.
surrogate_control = surrogate_control_init(n_p=1,
spot_2_p1= spot.Spot(fun=fun,
spotPython tuning: 1.801603872454505e-05 [#######---] 73.33% 
spotPython tuning: 1.801603872454505e-05 [########--] 80.00% 
spotPython tuning: 1.801603872454505e-05 [#########-] 86.67% 
spotPython tuning: 1.801603872454505e-05 [#########-] 93.33% 
spotPython tuning: 1.801603872454505e-05 [##########] 100.00% Done...

{'CHECKPOINT_PATH': 'runs/saved_models/',
 'DATASET_PATH': 'data/',
 'PREFIX': '015',
 'RESULTS_PATH': 'results/',
 '_L_in': None,
 '_L_out': None,
 '_torchmetric': None,
 'accelerator': 'auto',
 'converters': None,
 'core_model': None,
 'core_model_name': None,
 'counter': 15,
 'data': None,
 'data_dir': './data',
 'data_module': None,
 'data_set': None,
 'data_set_name': None,
 'db_dict_name': None,
 'design': None,
 'device': None,
 'devices': 1,
 'enable_progress_bar': False,
 'eval': None,
 'fun_evals': 15,
 'fun_repeats': 1,
 'horizon': None,
 'infill_criterion': 'y',
 'k_folds': 3,
 'log_graph': False,
 'log_level': 50,
 'loss_function': None,
 'lower': array([-1, -1]),
 'max_surrogate_points': 30,
 'max_time': 1,
 'metric_params': {},
 'metric_river': None,
 'metric_sklearn': None,
 'metric_sklearn_name': None,
 'metric_torch': None,
 'model_dict': {},
 'n_points': 1,
 'n_samples': None,
 'n_total': None,
 'noise': False,
 'num_workers': 0,
 'ocba_delta': 0,
 'oml_grace_period': None,
 'optimizer': None,
 'path': None,
 'prep_model': None,
 'prep_model_name': None,
 'progress_file': None,
 'save_model': False,
 'scenario': None,
 'seed': 123,
 'show_batch_interval': 1000000,
 'show_models': False,
 'show_progress': True,
 'shuffle': None,
 'sigma': 0.0,
 'spot_tensorboard_path': 'runs/spot_logs/015_maans14_2024-04-22_00-28-06',
 'spot_writer': <torch.utils.tensorboard.writer.SummaryWriter object at 0x13fd13c90>,
 'target_column': None,
 'target_type': None,
 'task': None,
 'test': None,
 'test_seed': 1234,
 'test_size': 0.4,
 'tolerance_x': 0,
 'train': None,
 'upper': array([1, 1]),
 'var_name': None,
 'var_type': ['num'],
 'verbosity': 0,
 'weight_coeff': 0.0,
 'weights': 1.0,
 'weights_entry': None}
<spotPython.spot.spot.Spot at 0x3b0e7eed0>
  • The search progress of the optimization with the anisotropic model can be visualized:

min y: 1.801603872454505e-05
x0: 0.0019077911677074135
x1: 0.003791618596979743
[['x0', 0.0019077911677074135], ['x1', 0.003791618596979743]]

15.2.1 Taking a Look at the p Values p Values from the spot Model

  • We can check, which p values the spot model has used:
  • The p values from the surrogate can be printed as follows:
  • Since the surrogate from the isotropic setting was stored as spot_2, we can also take a look at the theta value from this model:

15.3 Optimization of the p Values

surrogate_control = surrogate_control_init(n_p=1,
spot_2_pm= spot.Spot(fun=fun,
spotPython tuning: 1.893023485380876e-05 [#######---] 73.33% 
spotPython tuning: 1.893023485380876e-05 [########--] 80.00% 
spotPython tuning: 1.893023485380876e-05 [#########-] 86.67% 
spotPython tuning: 1.893023485380876e-05 [#########-] 93.33% 
spotPython tuning: 1.893023485380876e-05 [##########] 100.00% Done...

{'CHECKPOINT_PATH': 'runs/saved_models/',
 'DATASET_PATH': 'data/',
 'PREFIX': '015',
 'RESULTS_PATH': 'results/',
 '_L_in': None,
 '_L_out': None,
 '_torchmetric': None,
 'accelerator': 'auto',
 'converters': None,
 'core_model': None,
 'core_model_name': None,
 'counter': 15,
 'data': None,
 'data_dir': './data',
 'data_module': None,
 'data_set': None,
 'data_set_name': None,
 'db_dict_name': None,
 'design': None,
 'device': None,
 'devices': 1,
 'enable_progress_bar': False,
 'eval': None,
 'fun_evals': 15,
 'fun_repeats': 1,
 'horizon': None,
 'infill_criterion': 'y',
 'k_folds': 3,
 'log_graph': False,
 'log_level': 50,
 'loss_function': None,
 'lower': array([-1, -1]),
 'max_surrogate_points': 30,
 'max_time': 1,
 'metric_params': {},
 'metric_river': None,
 'metric_sklearn': None,
 'metric_sklearn_name': None,
 'metric_torch': None,
 'model_dict': {},
 'n_points': 1,
 'n_samples': None,
 'n_total': None,
 'noise': False,
 'num_workers': 0,
 'ocba_delta': 0,
 'oml_grace_period': None,
 'optimizer': None,
 'path': None,
 'prep_model': None,
 'prep_model_name': None,
 'progress_file': None,
 'save_model': False,
 'scenario': None,
 'seed': 123,
 'show_batch_interval': 1000000,
 'show_models': False,
 'show_progress': True,
 'shuffle': None,
 'sigma': 0.0,
 'spot_tensorboard_path': 'runs/spot_logs/015_maans14_2024-04-22_00-28-06',
 'spot_writer': <torch.utils.tensorboard.writer.SummaryWriter object at 0x13fd13c90>,
 'target_column': None,
 'target_type': None,
 'task': None,
 'test': None,
 'test_seed': 1234,
 'test_size': 0.4,
 'tolerance_x': 0,
 'train': None,
 'upper': array([1, 1]),
 'var_name': None,
 'var_type': ['num'],
 'verbosity': 0,
 'weight_coeff': 0.0,
 'weights': 1.0,
 'weights_entry': None}
<spotPython.spot.spot.Spot at 0x3b12d2950>

min y: 1.893023485380876e-05
x0: 0.0017549984724977892
x1: 0.003981232876300906
[['x0', 0.0017549984724977892], ['x1', 0.003981232876300906]]


15.4 Optimization of Multiple p Values

surrogate_control = surrogate_control_init(n_p=2,
spot_2_pmo= spot.Spot(fun=fun,
spotPython tuning: 2.162397189403005e-05 [#######---] 73.33% 
spotPython tuning: 2.162397189403005e-05 [########--] 80.00% 
spotPython tuning: 2.162397189403005e-05 [#########-] 86.67% 
spotPython tuning: 2.162397189403005e-05 [#########-] 93.33% 
spotPython tuning: 2.162397189403005e-05 [##########] 100.00% Done...

{'CHECKPOINT_PATH': 'runs/saved_models/',
 'DATASET_PATH': 'data/',
 'PREFIX': '015',
 'RESULTS_PATH': 'results/',
 '_L_in': None,
 '_L_out': None,
 '_torchmetric': None,
 'accelerator': 'auto',
 'converters': None,
 'core_model': None,
 'core_model_name': None,
 'counter': 15,
 'data': None,
 'data_dir': './data',
 'data_module': None,
 'data_set': None,
 'data_set_name': None,
 'db_dict_name': None,
 'design': None,
 'device': None,
 'devices': 1,
 'enable_progress_bar': False,
 'eval': None,
 'fun_evals': 15,
 'fun_repeats': 1,
 'horizon': None,
 'infill_criterion': 'y',
 'k_folds': 3,
 'log_graph': False,
 'log_level': 50,
 'loss_function': None,
 'lower': array([-1, -1]),
 'max_surrogate_points': 30,
 'max_time': 1,
 'metric_params': {},
 'metric_river': None,
 'metric_sklearn': None,
 'metric_sklearn_name': None,
 'metric_torch': None,
 'model_dict': {},
 'n_points': 1,
 'n_samples': None,
 'n_total': None,
 'noise': False,
 'num_workers': 0,
 'ocba_delta': 0,
 'oml_grace_period': None,
 'optimizer': None,
 'path': None,
 'prep_model': None,
 'prep_model_name': None,
 'progress_file': None,
 'save_model': False,
 'scenario': None,
 'seed': 123,
 'show_batch_interval': 1000000,
 'show_models': False,
 'show_progress': True,
 'shuffle': None,
 'sigma': 0.0,
 'spot_tensorboard_path': 'runs/spot_logs/015_maans14_2024-04-22_00-28-06',
 'spot_writer': <torch.utils.tensorboard.writer.SummaryWriter object at 0x13fd13c90>,
 'target_column': None,
 'target_type': None,
 'task': None,
 'test': None,
 'test_seed': 1234,
 'test_size': 0.4,
 'tolerance_x': 0,
 'train': None,
 'upper': array([1, 1]),
 'var_name': None,
 'var_type': ['num'],
 'verbosity': 0,
 'weight_coeff': 0.0,
 'weights': 1.0,
 'weights_entry': None}
<spotPython.spot.spot.Spot at 0x3b0f64490>

min y: 2.162397189403005e-05
x0: 0.0018245082309241386
x1: 0.00427728203527896
[['x0', 0.0018245082309241386], ['x1', 0.00427728203527896]]

array([1.09037777, 1.76346322])

15.5 Exercises

15.5.1 fun_branin

  • Describe the function.
    • The input dimension is 2. The search range is \(-5 \leq x_1 \leq 10\) and \(0 \leq x_2 \leq 15\).
  • Compare the results from spotPython runs with different options for p.
  • Modify the termination criterion: instead of the number of evaluations (which is specified via fun_evals), the time should be used as the termination criterion. This can be done as follows (max_time=1 specifies a run time of one minute):

15.5.2 fun_sin_cos

  • Describe the function.
    • The input dimension is 2. The search range is \(-2\pi \leq x_1 \leq 2\pi\) and \(-2\pi \leq x_2 \leq 2\pi\).
  • Compare the results from spotPython run a) with isotropic and b) anisotropic surrogate models.
  • Modify the termination criterion (max_time instead of fun_evals) as described for fun_branin.

15.5.3 fun_runge

  • Describe the function.
    • The input dimension is 2. The search range is \(-5 \leq x_1 \leq 5\) and \(-5 \leq x_2 \leq 5\).
  • Compare the results from spotPython runs with different options for p.
  • Modify the termination criterion (max_time instead of fun_evals) as described for fun_branin.

15.5.4 fun_wingwt

  • Describe the function.
    • The input dimension is 10. The search ranges are between 0 and 1 (values are mapped internally to their natural bounds).
  • Compare the results from spotPython runs with different options for p.
  • Modify the termination criterion (max_time instead of fun_evals) as described for fun_branin.

15.6 Jupyter Notebook
