20  river Hyperparameter Tuning: Hoeffding Adaptive Tree Regressor with Friedman Drift Data

This chapter demonstrates hyperparameter tuning for river’s Hoeffding Adaptive Tree Regressor with the Friedman drift data set [SOURCE]. The Hoeffding Adaptive Tree Regressor is a decision tree that uses the Hoeffding bound to limit the number of splits evaluated at each node. The Hoeffding Adaptive Tree Regressor is a regression tree, i.e., it predicts a real value for each sample. The Hoeffding Adaptive Tree Regressor is a drift aware model, i.e., it can handle concept drifts.

20.1 Setup

Before we consider the detailed experimental setup, we select the parameters that affect run time, initial design size, size of the data set, and the experiment name.

  • MAX_TIME: The maximum run time in seconds for the hyperparameter tuning process.
  • INIT_SIZE: The initial design size for the hyperparameter tuning process.
  • PREFIX: The prefix for the experiment name.
  • K: The factor that determines the number of samples in the data set.
Caution: Run time and initial design size should be increased for real experiments
  • MAX_TIME is set to one minute for demonstration purposes. For real experiments, this should be increased to at least 1 hour.
  • INIT_SIZE is set to 5 for demonstration purposes. For real experiments, this should be increased to at least 10.
  • K is the multiplier for the number of samples. If it is set to 1, then 100_000samples are taken. It is set to 0.1 for demonstration purposes. For real experiments, this should be increased to at least 1.
K = 0.1

20.2 Initialization of the fun_control Dictionary

spotPython supports the visualization of the hyperparameter tuning process with TensorBoard. The following example shows how to use TensorBoard with spotPython. The fun_control dictionary is the central data structure that is used to control the optimization process. It is initialized as follows:

from spotPython.utils.init import fun_control_init
fun_control = fun_control_init(
    tolerance_x = np.sqrt(np.spacing(1)))
Moving TENSORBOARD_PATH: runs/ to TENSORBOARD_PATH_OLD: runs_OLD/runs_2024_04_22_00_31_26
Created spot_tensorboard_path: runs/spot_logs/24-river_maans14_2024-04-22_00-31-26 for SummaryWriter()
Tip: TensorBoard
  • Since the spot_tensorboard_path argument is not None, which is the default, spotPython will log the optimization process in the TensorBoard folder.
  • Section 21.8.3 describes how to start TensorBoard and access the TensorBoard dashboard.
  • The TENSORBOARD_CLEAN argument is set to True to archive the TensorBoard folder if it already exists. This is useful if you want to start a hyperparameter tuning process from scratch. If you want to continue a hyperparameter tuning process, set TENSORBOARD_CLEAN to False. Then the TensorBoard folder will not be archived and the old and new TensorBoard files will shown in the TensorBoard dashboard.

20.3 Load Data: The Friedman Drift Data

We will use the Friedman synthetic dataset with concept drifts [SOURCE]. Each observation is composed of ten features. Each feature value is sampled uniformly in [0, 1]. Only the first five features are relevant. The target is defined by different functions depending on the type of the drift. Global Recurring Abrupt drift will be used, i.e., the concept drift appears over the whole instance space. There are two points of concept drift. At the second point of drift the old concept reoccurs.

The following parameters are used to generate and handle the data set:

  • horizon: The prediction horizon in hours.
  • n_samples: The number of samples in the data set.
  • p_1: The position of the first concept drift.
  • p_2: The position of the second concept drift.
  • position: The position of the concept drifts.
  • n_train: The number of samples used for training.
horizon = 7*24
n_samples = int(K*100_000)
p_1 = int(K*25_000)
p_2 = int(K*50_000)
position=(p_1, p_2)
n_train = 1_000
from river.datasets import synth
import pandas as pd
dataset = synth.FriedmanDrift(
  • We will use spotRiver’s convert_to_df function [SOURCE] to convert the river data set to a pandas data frame.
from spotRiver.utils.data_conversion import convert_to_df
target_column = "y"
df = convert_to_df(dataset, target_column=target_column, n_total=n_samples)
  • Add column names x1 until x10 to the first 10 columns of the dataframe and the column name y to the last column of the dataframe.
  • Then split the data frame into a training and test data set. The train and test data sets are stored in the fun_control dictionary.
from spotPython.hyperparameters.values import set_control_key_value
df.columns = [f"x{i}" for i in range(1, 11)] + ["y"]
set_control_key_value(fun_control, "test", df[n_train:], True)
set_control_key_value(fun_control, "n_samples", n_samples, replace=True)
set_control_key_value(fun_control, "target_column", target_column, replace=True)

20.4 Specification of the Preprocessing Model

  • We use the StandardScaler [SOURCE] from river as the preprocessing model. The StandardScaler is used to standardize the data set, i.e., it has zero mean and unit variance.
from river import preprocessing
prep_model = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
set_control_key_value(fun_control, "prep_model", prep_model, replace=True)

20.5 SelectSelect Model (algorithm) and core_model_hyper_dict

spotPython hyperparameter tuning approach uses two components:

  1. a model (class) and
  2. an associated hyperparameter dictionary.

Here, the river model class HoeffdingAdaptiveTreeRegressor [SOURCE] is selected.

The corresponding hyperparameters are loaded from the associated dictionary, which is stored as a JSON file [SOURCE]. The JSON file contains hyperparameter type information, names, and bounds.

The method add_core_model_to_fun_control adds the model and the hyperparameter dictionary to the fun_control dictionary.

Alternatively, you can load a local hyper_dict. Simply set river_hyper_dict.json as the filename. If filenameis set to None, which is the default, the hyper_dict [SOURCE] is loaded from the spotRiver package.

from river.tree import HoeffdingAdaptiveTreeRegressor
from spotRiver.hyperdict.river_hyper_dict import RiverHyperDict
from spotPython.hyperparameters.values import add_core_model_to_fun_control
core_model  = HoeffdingAdaptiveTreeRegressor

20.6 Modify hyper_dict Hyperparameters for the Selected Algorithm aka core_model

After the core_model and the core_model_hyper_dict are added to the fun_control dictionary, the hyperparameter tuning can be started. However, in some settings, the user wants to modify the hyperparameters of the core_model_hyper_dict. This can be done with the modify_hyper_parameter_bounds and modify_hyper_parameter_levels functions [SOURCE].

The following code shows how hyperparameter of type numeric and integer (boolean) can be modified. The modify_hyper_parameter_bounds function is used to modify the bounds of the hyperparameter delta and merit_preprune. Similar option exists for the modify_hyper_parameter_levels function to modify the levels of categorical hyperparameters.

# from spotPython.hyperparameters.values import set_control_hyperparameter_value
# set_control_hyperparameter_value(fun_control, "delta", [1e-10, 1e-6])
# set_control_hyperparameter_value(fun_control, "merit_preprune", [0, 0])
Note: Active and Inactive Hyperparameters

Hyperparameters can be excluded from the tuning procedure by selecting identical values for the lower and upper bounds. For example, the hyperparameter merit_preprune is excluded from the tuning procedure by setting the bounds to [0, 0].

spotPython’s method gen_design_table summarizes the experimental design that is used for the hyperparameter tuning:

from spotPython.utils.eda import gen_design_table
| name                   | type   | default          |   lower |    upper | transform              |
| grace_period           | int    | 200              |  10     | 1000     | None                   |
| max_depth              | int    | 20               |   2     |   20     | transform_power_2_int  |
| delta                  | float  | 1e-07            |   1e-08 |    1e-06 | None                   |
| tau                    | float  | 0.05             |   0.01  |    0.1   | None                   |
| leaf_prediction        | factor | mean             |   0     |    2     | None                   |
| leaf_model             | factor | LinearRegression |   0     |    2     | None                   |
| model_selector_decay   | float  | 0.95             |   0.9   |    0.99  | None                   |
| splitter               | factor | EBSTSplitter     |   0     |    2     | None                   |
| min_samples_split      | int    | 5                |   2     |   10     | None                   |
| bootstrap_sampling     | factor | 0                |   0     |    1     | None                   |
| drift_window_threshold | int    | 300              | 100     |  500     | None                   |
| switch_significance    | float  | 0.05             |   0.01  |    0.1   | None                   |
| binary_split           | factor | 0                |   0     |    1     | None                   |
| max_size               | float  | 500.0            | 100     | 1000     | None                   |
| memory_estimate_period | int    | 6                |   3     |    8     | transform_power_10_int |
| stop_mem_management    | factor | 0                |   0     |    1     | None                   |
| remove_poor_attrs      | factor | 0                |   0     |    1     | None                   |
| merit_preprune         | factor | 1                |   0     |    1     | None                   |

20.7 Selection of the Objective (Loss) Function

The metric_sklearn is used for the sklearn based evaluation via eval_oml_horizon [SOURCE]. Here we use the mean_absolute_error [SOURCE] as the objective function.

Note: Additional metrics

spotRiver also supports additional metrics. For example, the metric_river is used for the river based evaluation via eval_oml_iter_progressive [SOURCE]. The metric_river is implemented to simulate the behaviour of the “original” river metrics.

spotRiver provides information about the model’ s score (metric), memory, and time. The hyperparamter tuner requires a single objective. Therefore, a weighted sum of the metric, memory, and time is computed. The weights are defined in the weights array.

Note: Weights

The weights provide a flexible way to define specific requirements, e.g., if the memory is more important than the time, the weight for the memory can be increased.

The oml_grace_period defines the number of observations that are used for the initial training of the model. The step defines the iteration number at which to yield results. This only takes into account the predictions, and not the training steps. The weight_coeff defines a multiplier for the results: results are multiplied by (step/n_steps)**weight_coeff, where n_steps is the total number of iterations. Results from the beginning have a lower weight than results from the end if weight_coeff > 1. If weight_coeff == 0, all results have equal weight. Note, that the weight_coeff is only used internally for the tuner and does not affect the results that are used for the evaluation or comparisons.

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error

weights = np.array([1, 1/1000, 1/1000])*10_000.0
oml_grace_period = 2
step = 100
weight_coeff = 1.0

set_control_key_value(fun_control, "oml_grace_period", oml_grace_period, True)
set_control_key_value(fun_control, "weights", weights, True)
set_control_key_value(fun_control, "step", step, True)
set_control_key_value(fun_control, "weight_coeff", weight_coeff, True)
set_control_key_value(fun_control, "metric_sklearn", mean_absolute_error, True)

20.8 Calling the SPOT Function

20.8.1 The Objective Function

The objective function fun_oml_horizon [SOURCE] is selected next.

from spotRiver.fun.hyperriver import HyperRiver
fun = HyperRiver().fun_oml_horizon

The following code snippet shows how to get the default hyperparameters as an array, so that they can be passed to the Spot function.

from spotPython.hyperparameters.values import get_default_hyperparameters_as_array
X_start = get_default_hyperparameters_as_array(fun_control)

20.8.2 Run the Spot Optimizer

The class Spot [SOURCE] is the hyperparameter tuning workhorse. It is initialized with the following parameters:

  • fun: the objective function
  • fun_control: the dictionary with the control parameters for the objective function
  • design: the experimental design
  • design_control: the dictionary with the control parameters for the experimental design
  • surrogate: the surrogate model
  • surrogate_control: the dictionary with the control parameters for the surrogate model
  • optimizer: the optimizer
  • optimizer_control: the dictionary with the control parameters for the optimizer
Note: Total run time

The total run time may exceed the specified max_time, because the initial design (here: init_size = INIT_SIZE as specified above) is always evaluated, even if this takes longer than max_time.

from spotPython.utils.init import design_control_init, surrogate_control_init
design_control = design_control_init()

surrogate_control = surrogate_control_init(noise=True,
from spotPython.spot import spot
spot_tuner = spot.Spot(fun=fun,
spotPython tuning: 21652.11608751031 [#---------] 11.17% 
spotPython tuning: 21652.11608751031 [##--------] 15.33% 
spotPython tuning: 21652.11608751031 [##--------] 22.29% 
spotPython tuning: 21652.11608751031 [#####-----] 47.57% 
spotPython tuning: 21652.11608751031 [#########-] 92.41% 
spotPython tuning: 21652.11608751031 [##########] 100.00% Done...

{'CHECKPOINT_PATH': 'runs/saved_models/',
 'DATASET_PATH': 'data/',
 'PREFIX': '24-river',
 'RESULTS_PATH': 'results/',
 '_L_in': None,
 '_L_out': None,
 '_torchmetric': None,
 'accelerator': 'auto',
 'converters': None,
 'core_model': <class 'river.tree.hoeffding_adaptive_tree_regressor.HoeffdingAdaptiveTreeRegressor'>,
 'core_model_hyper_dict': {'binary_split': {'core_model_parameter_type': 'bool',
                                            'default': 0,
                                            'levels': [0, 1],
                                            'lower': 0,
                                            'transform': 'None',
                                            'type': 'factor',
                                            'upper': 1},
                           'bootstrap_sampling': {'core_model_parameter_type': 'bool',
                                                  'default': 0,
                                                  'levels': [0, 1],
                                                  'lower': 0,
                                                  'transform': 'None',
                                                  'type': 'factor',
                                                  'upper': 1},
                           'delta': {'default': 1e-07,
                                     'lower': 1e-08,
                                     'transform': 'None',
                                     'type': 'float',
                                     'upper': 1e-06},
                           'drift_window_threshold': {'default': 300,
                                                      'lower': 100,
                                                      'transform': 'None',
                                                      'type': 'int',
                                                      'upper': 500},
                           'grace_period': {'default': 200,
                                            'lower': 10,
                                            'transform': 'None',
                                            'type': 'int',
                                            'upper': 1000},
                           'leaf_model': {'class_name': 'river.linear_model',
                                          'core_model_parameter_type': 'instance()',
                                          'default': 'LinearRegression',
                                          'levels': ['LinearRegression',
                                          'lower': 0,
                                          'transform': 'None',
                                          'type': 'factor',
                                          'upper': 2},
                           'leaf_prediction': {'core_model_parameter_type': 'str',
                                               'default': 'mean',
                                               'levels': ['mean',
                                               'lower': 0,
                                               'transform': 'None',
                                               'type': 'factor',
                                               'upper': 2},
                           'max_depth': {'default': 20,
                                         'lower': 2,
                                         'transform': 'transform_power_2_int',
                                         'type': 'int',
                                         'upper': 20},
                           'max_size': {'default': 500.0,
                                        'lower': 100.0,
                                        'transform': 'None',
                                        'type': 'float',
                                        'upper': 1000.0},
                           'memory_estimate_period': {'default': 6,
                                                      'lower': 3,
                                                      'transform': 'transform_power_10_int',
                                                      'type': 'int',
                                                      'upper': 8},
                           'merit_preprune': {'core_model_parameter_type': 'bool',
                                              'default': 1,
                                              'levels': [0, 1],
                                              'lower': 0,
                                              'transform': 'None',
                                              'type': 'factor',
                                              'upper': 1},
                           'min_samples_split': {'default': 5,
                                                 'lower': 2,
                                                 'transform': 'None',
                                                 'type': 'int',
                                                 'upper': 10},
                           'model_selector_decay': {'default': 0.95,
                                                    'lower': 0.9,
                                                    'transform': 'None',
                                                    'type': 'float',
                                                    'upper': 0.99},
                           'remove_poor_attrs': {'core_model_parameter_type': 'bool',
                                                 'default': 0,
                                                 'levels': [0, 1],
                                                 'lower': 0,
                                                 'transform': 'None',
                                                 'type': 'factor',
                                                 'upper': 1},
                           'splitter': {'class_name': 'river.tree.splitter',
                                        'core_model_parameter_type': 'instance()',
                                        'default': 'EBSTSplitter',
                                        'levels': ['EBSTSplitter',
                                        'lower': 0,
                                        'transform': 'None',
                                        'type': 'factor',
                                        'upper': 2},
                           'stop_mem_management': {'core_model_parameter_type': 'bool',
                                                   'default': 0,
                                                   'levels': [0, 1],
                                                   'lower': 0,
                                                   'transform': 'None',
                                                   'type': 'factor',
                                                   'upper': 1},
                           'switch_significance': {'default': 0.05,
                                                   'lower': 0.01,
                                                   'transform': 'None',
                                                   'type': 'float',
                                                   'upper': 0.1},
                           'tau': {'default': 0.05,
                                   'lower': 0.01,
                                   'transform': 'None',
                                   'type': 'float',
                                   'upper': 0.1}},
 'core_model_hyper_dict_default': {'binary_split': {'core_model_parameter_type': 'bool',
                                                    'default': 0,
                                                    'levels': [0, 1],
                                                    'lower': 0,
                                                    'transform': 'None',
                                                    'type': 'factor',
                                                    'upper': 1},
                                   'bootstrap_sampling': {'core_model_parameter_type': 'bool',
                                                          'default': 0,
                                                          'levels': [0, 1],
                                                          'lower': 0,
                                                          'transform': 'None',
                                                          'type': 'factor',
                                                          'upper': 1},
                                   'delta': {'default': 1e-07,
                                             'lower': 1e-08,
                                             'transform': 'None',
                                             'type': 'float',
                                             'upper': 1e-06},
                                   'drift_window_threshold': {'default': 300,
                                                              'lower': 100,
                                                              'transform': 'None',
                                                              'type': 'int',
                                                              'upper': 500},
                                   'grace_period': {'default': 200,
                                                    'lower': 10,
                                                    'transform': 'None',
                                                    'type': 'int',
                                                    'upper': 1000},
                                   'leaf_model': {'class_name': 'river.linear_model',
                                                  'core_model_parameter_type': 'instance()',
                                                  'default': 'LinearRegression',
                                                  'levels': ['LinearRegression',
                                                  'lower': 0,
                                                  'transform': 'None',
                                                  'type': 'factor',
                                                  'upper': 2},
                                   'leaf_prediction': {'core_model_parameter_type': 'str',
                                                       'default': 'mean',
                                                       'levels': ['mean',
                                                       'lower': 0,
                                                       'transform': 'None',
                                                       'type': 'factor',
                                                       'upper': 2},
                                   'max_depth': {'default': 20,
                                                 'lower': 2,
                                                 'transform': 'transform_power_2_int',
                                                 'type': 'int',
                                                 'upper': 20},
                                   'max_size': {'default': 500.0,
                                                'lower': 100.0,
                                                'transform': 'None',
                                                'type': 'float',
                                                'upper': 1000.0},
                                   'memory_estimate_period': {'default': 6,
                                                              'lower': 3,
                                                              'transform': 'transform_power_10_int',
                                                              'type': 'int',
                                                              'upper': 8},
                                   'merit_preprune': {'core_model_parameter_type': 'bool',
                                                      'default': 1,
                                                      'levels': [0, 1],
                                                      'lower': 0,
                                                      'transform': 'None',
                                                      'type': 'factor',
                                                      'upper': 1},
                                   'min_samples_split': {'default': 5,
                                                         'lower': 2,
                                                         'transform': 'None',
                                                         'type': 'int',
                                                         'upper': 10},
                                   'model_selector_decay': {'default': 0.95,
                                                            'lower': 0.9,
                                                            'transform': 'None',
                                                            'type': 'float',
                                                            'upper': 0.99},
                                   'remove_poor_attrs': {'core_model_parameter_type': 'bool',
                                                         'default': 0,
                                                         'levels': [0, 1],
                                                         'lower': 0,
                                                         'transform': 'None',
                                                         'type': 'factor',
                                                         'upper': 1},
                                   'splitter': {'class_name': 'river.tree.splitter',
                                                'core_model_parameter_type': 'instance()',
                                                'default': 'EBSTSplitter',
                                                'levels': ['EBSTSplitter',
                                                'lower': 0,
                                                'transform': 'None',
                                                'type': 'factor',
                                                'upper': 2},
                                   'stop_mem_management': {'core_model_parameter_type': 'bool',
                                                           'default': 0,
                                                           'levels': [0, 1],
                                                           'lower': 0,
                                                           'transform': 'None',
                                                           'type': 'factor',
                                                           'upper': 1},
                                   'switch_significance': {'default': 0.05,
                                                           'lower': 0.01,
                                                           'transform': 'None',
                                                           'type': 'float',
                                                           'upper': 0.1},
                                   'tau': {'default': 0.05,
                                           'lower': 0.01,
                                           'transform': 'None',
                                           'type': 'float',
                                           'upper': 0.1}},
 'core_model_name': None,
 'counter': 12,
 'data': None,
 'data_dir': './data',
 'data_module': None,
 'data_set': None,
 'data_set_name': None,
 'db_dict_name': None,
 'design': None,
 'device': None,
 'devices': 1,
 'enable_progress_bar': False,
 'eval': None,
 'fun_evals': inf,
 'fun_repeats': 1,
 'horizon': 168,
 'infill_criterion': 'y',
 'k_folds': 3,
 'log_graph': False,
 'log_level': 50,
 'loss_function': None,
 'lower': array([1.e+01, 2.e+00, 1.e-08, 1.e-02, 0.e+00, 0.e+00, 9.e-01, 0.e+00,
       2.e+00, 0.e+00, 1.e+02, 1.e-02, 0.e+00, 1.e+02, 3.e+00, 0.e+00,
       0.e+00, 0.e+00]),
 'max_surrogate_points': 30,
 'max_time': 1,
 'metric_params': {},
 'metric_river': None,
 'metric_sklearn': <function mean_absolute_error at 0x3937eb2e0>,
 'metric_sklearn_name': None,
 'metric_torch': None,
 'model_dict': {},
 'n_points': 1,
 'n_samples': 10000,
 'n_total': None,
 'noise': False,
 'num_workers': 0,
 'ocba_delta': 0,
 'oml_grace_period': 2,
 'optimizer': None,
 'path': None,
 'prep_model': StandardScaler (
 'prep_model_name': None,
 'progress_file': None,
 'save_model': False,
 'scenario': None,
 'seed': 123,
 'show_batch_interval': 1000000,
 'show_models': False,
 'show_progress': True,
 'shuffle': None,
 'sigma': 0.0,
 'spot_tensorboard_path': 'runs/spot_logs/24-river_maans14_2024-04-22_00-31-26',
 'spot_writer': <torch.utils.tensorboard.writer.SummaryWriter object at 0x3900d2e90>,
 'step': 100,
 'target_column': 'y',
 'target_type': None,
 'task': None,
 'test':             x1        x2        x3        x4        x5        x6        x7  \
1000  0.149257  0.456455  0.086002  0.012030  0.743199  0.555736  0.233676   
1001  0.319370  0.286723  0.281127  0.647570  0.697423  0.474675  0.788735   
1002  0.339058  0.052272  0.096132  0.449870  0.732686  0.249310  0.095512   
1003  0.223965  0.080771  0.532323  0.820374  0.662628  0.616938  0.195786   
1004  0.007170  0.893475  0.408799  0.394976  0.990258  0.925658  0.256272   
...        ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...   
9995  0.707825  0.823946  0.482666  0.839029  0.073890  0.074298  0.397132   
9996  0.033073  0.995334  0.888897  0.339522  0.838881  0.862215  0.045144   
9997  0.357023  0.305839  0.185412  0.954059  0.361154  0.834810  0.516624   
9998  0.347719  0.079667  0.981140  0.656389  0.931914  0.955769  0.620668   
9999  0.310359  0.563592  0.258083  0.502411  0.159050  0.278782  0.296032   

            x8        x9       x10          y  
1000  0.319511  0.865121  0.104190   9.639799  
1001  0.698887  0.767774  0.217209  11.859974  
1002  0.855869  0.413789  0.487099  11.761361  
1003  0.419200  0.656080  0.172583  12.168891  
1004  0.447393  0.564091  0.868190  12.685521  
...        ...       ...       ...        ...  
9995  0.106350  0.489138  0.621020  18.611413  
9996  0.677220  0.138391  0.371764  12.492723  
9997  0.723574  0.033693  0.884783  17.682427  
9998  0.690811  0.037812  0.293507  16.380985  
9999  0.246599  0.518025  0.620904  13.135314  

[9000 rows x 11 columns],
 'test_seed': 1234,
 'test_size': 0.4,
 'tolerance_x': 1.4901161193847656e-08,
 'train':            x1        x2        x3        x4        x5        x6        x7  \
0    0.052364  0.087187  0.407242  0.107700  0.901199  0.038154  0.536202   
1    0.245163  0.001671  0.436276  0.087613  0.597599  0.069877  0.315459   
2    0.142175  0.790072  0.021236  0.911151  0.573408  0.265322  0.837838   
3    0.527075  0.809339  0.315263  0.398238  0.769279  0.512752  0.684837   
4    0.486136  0.668470  0.374522  0.031841  0.754173  0.181465  0.820190   
..        ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...   
995  0.054258  0.151721  0.743083  0.802598  0.078008  0.106518  0.613012   
996  0.891570  0.396470  0.776985  0.086130  0.588280  0.760256  0.260412   
997  0.840034  0.318170  0.923870  0.733199  0.715419  0.805433  0.606878   
998  0.935949  0.987038  0.629630  0.360930  0.856310  0.330804  0.836771   
999  0.125361  0.059499  0.518353  0.705182  0.762343  0.347013  0.725256   

           x8        x9       x10          y  
0    0.332198  0.852087  0.159662   5.428947  
1    0.448322  0.905399  0.092765   4.727526  
2    0.768795  0.343462  0.801497  20.385826  
3    0.638353  0.666658  0.890099  19.566743  
4    0.913646  0.658074  0.170127  12.412629  
..        ...       ...       ...        ...  
995  0.525063  0.911144  0.870062  11.913435  
996  0.016439  0.988105  0.910124  14.573648  
997  0.584725  0.735601  0.228933  22.611338  
998  0.851467  0.259093  0.438976  10.898222  
999  0.836309  0.316067  0.002152  11.526148  

[1000 rows x 11 columns],
 'upper': array([1.0e+03, 2.0e+01, 1.0e-06, 1.0e-01, 2.0e+00, 2.0e+00, 9.9e-01,
       2.0e+00, 1.0e+01, 1.0e+00, 5.0e+02, 1.0e-01, 1.0e+00, 1.0e+03,
       8.0e+00, 1.0e+00, 1.0e+00, 1.0e+00]),
 'var_name': ['grace_period',
 'var_type': ['int',
 'verbosity': 0,
 'weight_coeff': 1.0,
 'weights': array([10000.,    10.,    10.]),
 'weights_entry': None}
<spotPython.spot.spot.Spot at 0x394058790>

20.8.3 TensorBoard

Now we can start TensorBoard in the background with the following command, where ./runs is the default directory for the TensorBoard log files:

tensorboard --logdir="./runs"

The TensorBoard path can be printed with the following command:

from spotPython.utils.init import get_tensorboard_path

We can access the TensorBoard web server with the following URL:


The TensorBoard plot illustrates how spotPython can be used as a microscope for the internal mechanisms of the surrogate-based optimization process. Here, one important parameter, the learning rate \(\theta\) of the Kriging surrogate [SOURCE] is plotted against the number of optimization steps.

TensorBoard visualization of the spotPython optimization process and the surrogate model.

20.8.4 Results

After the hyperparameter tuning run is finished, results can be printed:


The tuned hyperparameters can be obtained as a dictionary with the following command:

from spotPython.hyperparameters.values import get_tuned_hyperparameters
get_tuned_hyperparameters(spot_tuner, fun_control)
{'grace_period': 271.0,
 'max_depth': 13.0,
 'delta': 1.6436874519102299e-07,
 'tau': 0.07868130740742395,
 'leaf_prediction': 'model',
 'leaf_model': 'LinearRegression',
 'model_selector_decay': 0.973379790035513,
 'splitter': 'QOSplitter',
 'min_samples_split': 9.0,
 'bootstrap_sampling': 1,
 'drift_window_threshold': 379.0,
 'switch_significance': 0.023590637180761667,
 'binary_split': 0,
 'max_size': 241.5226665924828,
 'memory_estimate_period': 6.0,
 'stop_mem_management': 0,
 'remove_poor_attrs': 1,
 'merit_preprune': 1}

The results can be saved and reloaded with the following commands:

from spotPython.utils.file import save_pickle, load_pickle
from spotPython.utils.init import get_experiment_name
experiment_name = get_experiment_name(PREFIX)
if SAVE_AND_LOAD == True:
    save_pickle(spot_tuner, experiment_name)
    spot_tuner = load_pickle(experiment_name)

After the hyperparameter tuning run is finished, the progress of the hyperparameter tuning can be visualized. The black points represent the performace values (score or metric) of hyperparameter configurations from the initial design, whereas the red points represents the hyperparameter configurations found by the surrogate model based optimization.

spot_tuner.plot_progress(log_y=True, filename=None)

Results can also be printed in tabular form.

print(gen_design_table(fun_control=fun_control, spot=spot_tuner))
| name                   | type   | default          |   lower |   upper | tuned                  | transform              |   importance | stars   |
| grace_period           | int    | 200              |    10.0 |  1000.0 | 271.0                  | None                   |         0.17 | .       |
| max_depth              | int    | 20               |     2.0 |    20.0 | 13.0                   | transform_power_2_int  |         0.07 |         |
| delta                  | float  | 1e-07            |   1e-08 |   1e-06 | 1.6436874519102299e-07 | None                   |         0.28 | .       |
| tau                    | float  | 0.05             |    0.01 |     0.1 | 0.07868130740742395    | None                   |         3.45 | *       |
| leaf_prediction        | factor | mean             |     0.0 |     2.0 | model                  | None                   |         1.96 | *       |
| leaf_model             | factor | LinearRegression |     0.0 |     2.0 | LinearRegression       | None                   |         0.05 |         |
| model_selector_decay   | float  | 0.95             |     0.9 |    0.99 | 0.973379790035513      | None                   |         0.00 |         |
| splitter               | factor | EBSTSplitter     |     0.0 |     2.0 | QOSplitter             | None                   |        12.91 | *       |
| min_samples_split      | int    | 5                |     2.0 |    10.0 | 9.0                    | None                   |         0.06 |         |
| bootstrap_sampling     | factor | 0                |     0.0 |     1.0 | 1                      | None                   |         0.27 | .       |
| drift_window_threshold | int    | 300              |   100.0 |   500.0 | 379.0                  | None                   |       100.00 | ***     |
| switch_significance    | float  | 0.05             |    0.01 |     0.1 | 0.023590637180761667   | None                   |         3.46 | *       |
| binary_split           | factor | 0                |     0.0 |     1.0 | 0                      | None                   |         0.11 | .       |
| max_size               | float  | 500.0            |   100.0 |  1000.0 | 241.5226665924828      | None                   |         0.04 |         |
| memory_estimate_period | int    | 6                |     3.0 |     8.0 | 6.0                    | transform_power_10_int |         0.00 |         |
| stop_mem_management    | factor | 0                |     0.0 |     1.0 | 0                      | None                   |         3.83 | *       |
| remove_poor_attrs      | factor | 0                |     0.0 |     1.0 | 1                      | None                   |         0.70 | .       |
| merit_preprune         | factor | 1                |     0.0 |     1.0 | 1                      | None                   |        10.87 | *       |

A histogram can be used to visualize the most important hyperparameters.

spot_tuner.plot_importance(threshold=0.0025, filename=None)

20.9 The Larger Data Set

After the hyperparamter were tuned on a small data set, we can now apply the hyperparameter configuration to a larger data set. The following code snippet shows how to generate the larger data set.

Caution: Increased Friedman-Drift Data Set
  • The Friedman-Drift Data Set is increased by a factor of two to show the transferability of the hyperparameter tuning results.
  • Larger values of K lead to a longer run time.
K = 0.2
n_samples = int(K*100_000)
p_1 = int(K*25_000)
p_2 = int(K*50_000)
position=(p_1, p_2)
dataset = synth.FriedmanDrift(

The larger data set is converted to a Pandas data frame and passed to the fun_control dictionary.

df = convert_to_df(dataset, target_column=target_column, n_total=n_samples)
df.columns = [f"x{i}" for i in range(1, 11)] + ["y"]
set_control_key_value(fun_control, "train", df[:n_train], True)
set_control_key_value(fun_control, "test", df[n_train:], True)
set_control_key_value(fun_control, "n_samples", n_samples, True)
set_control_key_value(fun_control, "target_column", target_column, True)

20.10 Get Default Hyperparameters

The default hyperparameters, whihc will be used for a comparion with the tuned hyperparameters, can be obtained with the following commands:

from spotPython.hyperparameters.values import get_one_core_model_from_X
from spotPython.hyperparameters.values import get_default_hyperparameters_as_array
X_start = get_default_hyperparameters_as_array(fun_control)
model_default = get_one_core_model_from_X(X_start, fun_control, default=True)
HoeffdingAdaptiveTreeRegressor ( grace_period=200 max_depth=1048576 delta=1e-07 tau=0.05 leaf_prediction="mean" leaf_model=LinearRegression ( optimizer=SGD ( lr=Constant ( learning_rate=0.01 ) ) loss=Squared () l2=0. l1=0. intercept_init=0. intercept_lr=Constant ( learning_rate=0.01 ) clip_gradient=1e+12 initializer=Zeros () ) model_selector_decay=0.95 nominal_attributes=None splitter=EBSTSplitter () min_samples_split=5 bootstrap_sampling=0 drift_window_threshold=300 drift_detector=ADWIN ( delta=0.002 clock=32 max_buckets=5 min_window_length=5 grace_period=10 ) switch_significance=0.05 binary_split=0 max_size=500. memory_estimate_period=1000000 stop_mem_management=0 remove_poor_attrs=0 merit_preprune=1 seed=None )
Note: spotPython tunes numpy arrays
  • spotPython tunes numpy arrays, i.e., the hyperparameters are stored in a numpy array.

The model with the default hyperparameters can be trained and evaluated with the following commands:

from spotRiver.evaluation.eval_bml import eval_oml_horizon

df_eval_default, df_true_default = eval_oml_horizon(

The three performance criteria, i.e., score (metric), runtime, and memory consumption, can be visualized with the following commands:

from spotRiver.evaluation.eval_bml import plot_bml_oml_horizon_metrics, plot_bml_oml_horizon_predictions
plot_bml_oml_horizon_metrics(df_eval = [df_eval_default], log_y=False, df_labels=df_labels, metric=fun_control["metric_sklearn"])

20.10.1 Show Predictions

  • Select a subset of the data set for the visualization of the predictions:
    • We use the mean, \(m\), of the data set as the center of the visualization.
    • We use 100 data points, i.e., \(m \pm 50\) as the visualization window.
m = fun_control["test"].shape[0]
a = int(m/2)-50
b = int(m/2)
plot_bml_oml_horizon_predictions(df_true = [df_true_default[a:b]], target_column=target_column,  df_labels=df_labels)

20.11 Get SPOT Results

In a similar way, we can obtain the hyperparameters found by spotPython.

from spotPython.hyperparameters.values import get_one_core_model_from_X
X = spot_tuner.to_all_dim(spot_tuner.min_X.reshape(1,-1))
model_spot = get_one_core_model_from_X(X, fun_control)
df_eval_spot, df_true_spot = eval_oml_horizon(
df_labels=["default", "spot"]
plot_bml_oml_horizon_metrics(df_eval = [df_eval_default, df_eval_spot], log_y=False, df_labels=df_labels, metric=fun_control["metric_sklearn"])

plot_bml_oml_horizon_predictions(df_true = [df_true_default[a:b], df_true_spot[a:b]], target_column=target_column,  df_labels=df_labels)

from spotPython.plot.validation import plot_actual_vs_predicted
plot_actual_vs_predicted(y_test=df_true_default[target_column], y_pred=df_true_default["Prediction"], title="Default")
plot_actual_vs_predicted(y_test=df_true_spot[target_column], y_pred=df_true_spot["Prediction"], title="SPOT")

20.12 Visualize Regression Trees

dataset_f = dataset.take(n_samples)
print(f"n_samples: {n_samples}")
for x, y in dataset_f:
    model_default.learn_one(x, y)
n_samples: 20000
Caution: Large Trees
  • Since the trees are large, the visualization is suppressed by default.
  • To visualize the trees, uncomment the following line.
# model_default.draw()
{'n_nodes': 35,
 'n_branches': 17,
 'n_leaves': 18,
 'n_active_leaves': 96,
 'n_inactive_leaves': 0,
 'height': 6,
 'total_observed_weight': 39002.0,
 'n_alternate_trees': 21,
 'n_pruned_alternate_trees': 6,
 'n_switch_alternate_trees': 2}

20.12.1 Spot Model

print(f"n_samples: {n_samples}")
dataset_f = dataset.take(n_samples)
for x, y in dataset_f:
    model_spot.learn_one(x, y)
n_samples: 20000
Caution: Large Trees
  • Since the trees are large, the visualization is suppressed by default.
  • To visualize the trees, uncomment the following line.
# model_spot.draw()
{'n_nodes': 37,
 'n_branches': 18,
 'n_leaves': 19,
 'n_active_leaves': 113,
 'n_inactive_leaves': 0,
 'height': 9,
 'total_observed_weight': 39002.0,
 'n_alternate_trees': 25,
 'n_pruned_alternate_trees': 0,
 'n_switch_alternate_trees': 0}
from spotPython.utils.eda import compare_two_tree_models
print(compare_two_tree_models(model_default, model_spot))
| Parameter                |   Default |   Spot |
| n_nodes                  |        35 |     37 |
| n_branches               |        17 |     18 |
| n_leaves                 |        18 |     19 |
| n_active_leaves          |        96 |    113 |
| n_inactive_leaves        |         0 |      0 |
| height                   |         6 |      9 |
| total_observed_weight    |     39002 |  39002 |
| n_alternate_trees        |        21 |     25 |
| n_pruned_alternate_trees |         6 |      0 |
| n_switch_alternate_trees |         2 |      0 |

20.13 Detailed Hyperparameter Plots

grace_period:  0.17044924227946973
max_depth:  0.07232158840584695
delta:  0.27662121633772707
tau:  3.4542128383598842
leaf_prediction:  1.9648948095819507
leaf_model:  0.04954977848979266
model_selector_decay:  0.00359029474145194
splitter:  12.909986135215005
min_samples_split:  0.06247675871073786
bootstrap_sampling:  0.2683653075539961
drift_window_threshold:  100.0
switch_significance:  3.4606554604084017
binary_split:  0.11074108800880438
max_size:  0.036533340571655325
memory_estimate_period:  0.004861892647904438
stop_mem_management:  3.8341059438256724
remove_poor_attrs:  0.7001482817882747
merit_preprune:  10.870607745110142
impo: [['grace_period', 0.17044924227946973], ['max_depth', 0.07232158840584695], ['delta', 0.27662121633772707], ['tau', 3.4542128383598842], ['leaf_prediction', 1.9648948095819507], ['leaf_model', 0.04954977848979266], ['model_selector_decay', 0.00359029474145194], ['splitter', 12.909986135215005], ['min_samples_split', 0.06247675871073786], ['bootstrap_sampling', 0.2683653075539961], ['drift_window_threshold', 100.0], ['switch_significance', 3.4606554604084017], ['binary_split', 0.11074108800880438], ['max_size', 0.036533340571655325], ['memory_estimate_period', 0.004861892647904438], ['stop_mem_management', 3.8341059438256724], ['remove_poor_attrs', 0.7001482817882747], ['merit_preprune', 10.870607745110142]]
indices: [10, 7, 17, 15, 11, 3, 4, 16, 2, 9, 0, 12, 1, 8, 5, 13, 14, 6]
indices after max_imp selection: [10, 7, 17, 15, 11, 3, 4, 16, 2, 9, 0, 12, 1, 8, 5, 13, 14, 6]

20.14 Parallel Coordinates Plots


20.15 Plot all Combinations of Hyperparameters

  • Warning: this may take a while.
PLOT_ALL = False
    n = spot_tuner.k
    for i in range(n-1):
        for j in range(i+1, n):
            spot_tuner.plot_contour(i=i, j=j, min_z=min_z, max_z = max_z)